Yoga will transform your life


Why yoga?


Stepping onto a yoga mat can feel daunting. Am I doing it right, is this working?

I’m here to show you that when you prioritise yourself and practice regularly, yoga will transform you from the inside out. My classes are accessible to any-body.

My challenge to you is to be brave, book a class and you won’t look back. I can’t wait to meet you.

About my classes

Suitable for everyone of all levels, even beginners and those who haven’t practiced yoga before, my classes will encourage you to engage with your body and move in a mindful way. We always have some fun and we never take ourselves too seriously!

Classes are slow paced to offer an opportunity to learn more about yoga, build strength, flexibility and balance and develop a personal yoga practice to suit your body and energy level.

All classes begin with a short guided meditation and end with a relaxing savasana (relaxation) to leave you feeling calm and centred.



09.30-10.30 Gentle Hatha Yoga (Shadwell Studio)

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11.00-12.00 Yoga for Wellbeing (Whitkirk St Mary’s Community Centre)

19.30-20.30 Back to Basics (Shadwell Studio)

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Restorative Yoga and 1-2-1s

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra

Restorative yoga helps you take some time out of modern-day stressful living and enjoy some rest and relaxation.

The body is completely supported by props and poses are held for 8-12 minutes to enable you to let go. This class gives you permission to relax, restoring easy breathing, lowering the heart rate and releasing tension in your body and mind.

We finish with a Yoga Nidra - a deeply restorative and nourishing guided meditation. Prepare to be taken on a journey into a state of deep relaxation; you will leave this class feeling rested and renewed, and ready for a goods nights sleep.

No yoga experience required.

Upcoming sessions:

Friday 16th August 19.00-20.00

Friday 20th September 19.00-20.00

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Yoga 1-2-1s

Personalised yoga sessions are tailored to your specific needs. This may be to deepen your practice, build strength and flexibility, enable relaxation or to support sleep.

Before the first session a 20 minute exploratory phone call will be held to discuss the outcomes you want to achieve. Each session will then be specially designed to meet those outcomes.

Sessions are held either on zoom or in my yoga space. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.

The investment for these sessions is £45 per hour for 1-2-1, please enquire if you would like a group session.

Menopause Yoga

Menopause Yoga offers a combination of yoga poses, breathing techniques and mindful meditation to help women manage the main symptoms of menopause, including:

hot flushes and night sweats,

stress, anxiety and overwhelm,

irritability and anger,

insomnia and fatigue.

Classes and workshops have been specially developed to offer holistic support to empower and support women. This includes a women’s circle to share experiences, and helpful information and tips about natural remedies, Ayurveda, nutrition and self-care.

Open to all levels of yoga student, including beginners. Sessions are open to women at any stage of their menopause journey (peri-menopause, menopause or post menopause). If you are not sure if you are in peri-menopause yet but would like to learn more then you are also very welcome.

Workshops are coming soon.

If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please get in touch by clicking here.