First Degree Reiki Training

If you would like to learn more about Reiki and to train in Reiki Healing, this course is for you.

Reiki is a powerful healing practice, which can enhance and change your life in so many amazing ways. Whatever your reason for learning Reiki, the process will be transformational. It is a privilege to join the lineage and learn about energy healing.

This training isn't just for those looking to become a practitioner, it is also perfect for people who are on their own healing journey. Reiki is a beautiful practice to enhance your self-healing capabilities, it will also expand your spirituality and consciousness.

​This course is inclusive, trauma informed and open to all.

On completion, you will be given a certification in Usui Method of Natural Healing First Degree Reiki, which means you will be able to use your Reiki for self-healing and offer Reiki Healing treatments for others.

If you would like to learn more about my experience with Reiki and what I have learnt, please click here to read my blog - Feeling the Magic.

Course Details

Click the button below to join the waitlist to be the first to know about the next course.

  • This course is delivered in two parts, over two days.

    Day one: Live online theory, held on zoom. This will provide background and information to help you to prepare yourself mentally, physically and energetically for your attunement to Reiki.

    Day two: In person practical (in north/east Leeds). This will include Attunements to Reiki and guided healing practices, to prepare you mentally, physically and energetically to take your next steps to heal yourself and others with Reiki.

    Both days will be interactive and include group discussion and exploration.

  • Course includes:

    - First degree Reiki manual

    - Guided meditations

    - What is Reiki and what does a Reiki healer do?

    - The history of Reiki and your Reiki lineage

    - The Reiki principles - the Gokai and their application in the modern world

    - Attunement preparation

    - Introduction to the subtle anatomy and chakra system

    - Energetic protection and alignment techniques, including practical demonstration

    - Sensations during and after Reiki treatments, contraindications and post Reiki advice

    - Offering Reiki healing - both self healing and offering treatments to others.

    - Preparing to give a Reiki treatment to yourself and to others

    - Reiki first degree attunements

    - Guided self Reiki healing

    - Guided treatment, for those who wish to

    - Boundaries and considerations for Reiki treatments - how to protect yourself and your client

    - Continued self healing and self development through Reiki

    - Certification in Usui Method of Natural Healing First Degree Reiki

  • Pre-requisites:

    There are no pre-requisites for this course, all you need is an open heart, an open mind and a desire to learn about energy healing. However you will need to consider the pre-course requirements below.

    Pre Course Requirements

    To prepare for your attunements, it is important to bring your body and mind into health and harmony.

    Minimum 3 days prior to the In personal practical (ideally 7 days prior):

    - No alcohol, meat or fish

    - Reduce caffeine, sugar and smoking

    - Disconnect from media, including social media

    - Disconnect from toxic relationships and negativity

    - Spend time in nature

    - Let go of anger, hatred, fears and worries

    - Sit in meditation/contemplation for at least 10 minutes twice daily – you may wish to also write in a journal

    - Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables

    - Enjoy gentle exercise daily such as yoga or walking

    - Enjoy lots of rest

    On the day of your attunements it is important that you do not drink any caffeine.

    The Reiki attunement will naturally detoxify the physical body and mind and can create sensations similar to those with a Reiki treatment.

    Post Course Requirements:

    Following this course you are required to complete self healing daily for a minimum of 21 days.

  • Investment:

    The investment for this course is £210.

    If you would like to add on a remote reiki healing treatment and 30 minute follow up call, which would take place prior to the training the total cost is £250.

    If you would prefer to pay in instalments, please contact me and this can be arranged.

    Please note: all bookings and payments for Reiki Training Courses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

    To re-book either part of this course you will be required to pay 50% of the course tuition fee. To re-book the full course you will be required to pay 100% of the tuition fee.