Feeling the Magic: Reiki Healing

Feeling the call ..…

Learning about Reiki Healing has been a magical journey for me. I had previously had reiki treatments as part of massages and spa days, but didn’t really know much about it other than knowing I felt great afterwards.

My learning journey started during the height of the pandemic in 2020. A friend casually recommended in a group WhatsApp some reiki training that they had been on. I honestly couldn’t explain why, but I booked the training immediately without even giving it a second thought - the pull was so strong to do it that I didn’t question it, and I haven’t had reason to since!

The training was online about the theory of reiki - what reiki is, what it does and the privilege of being part of the reiki lineage and undertaking energy work. I was immediately captivated by the energy and the purity of the practice and couldn’t wait to learn more.

As soon as we were able to meet in person, I booked to be attuned to reiki. The reiki attunement process is hard to comprehend in the human mind. It is a deeply spiritual experience.

During the attunement your vibration is lifted and energetic channels prepared so that you are able to channel reiki for yourself and others. Each time has been a unique experience for me. It is like being powered up and every part of me feels like a better version.

Self Healing…..

Self healing using reiki has been a huge learning for me, it has significantly improved my overall wellbeing, and is something I do most days. Being able to channel reiki to heal yourself is an amazing gift. It helps me to deal with stress, heal wounds - old and new, and generally supports me to feel healthy and energised. It has also enabled me to heal on a deeper emotional level and in particular deal with self confidence issues and feelings of low self worth.

Reiki has also enabled me to deepen my meditation practice and protect and boost my energy levels. I had always felt other people’s energy and realised once I was attuned, that I was also constantly absorbing other people’s energy - positive and negative. Reiki, and the support of my wonderful Reiki Master Sarah, has helped me to set energetic boundaries, to learn how to send back other people’s energy when I do absorb it, and how to protect myself so it happens much less.

In 2023 I decided to train to Reiki Master level, the experience was like nothing else I have ever experienced. It was genuinely life changing, it made me see areas of my life that did not serve me. This has been the same through each stage of my journey with reiki, but this time the shift was much bigger. This training gave me to confidence to start to consider handing my notice in from my corporate job, which I did a couple of months later.

Supporting others…..

I also love to offer Reiki to others, supporting their healing journey and enabling them to learn more about their energy system. I am always amazed by the information the energy system has to offer and how much resonates with people when we discuss it after the treatments.

Energy work is such a privilege, in 2024 I start to train people in Reiki, supporting them to learn about this sacred practice, so that they can offer self-healing to themselves and healing to others.

My overall Mission is to empower you to prioritise your wellbeing, and find balance in your life. I feel that teaching Reiki fits perfectly with this. If you feel called to learn more, please click here or please get in touch if you have any questions.


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